CDS English Exam Paper – 05 February 2017

CDS English Exam Paper - 05 February 2017

Combined Defense Services (CDS) English solved exam paper conducted by UPSC on 05 February 2017 available here. UPSC organizes CDS Exam twice in a year. This is a first CDS exam paper of year 2017. CDS exam will consist of three papers – English, General Knowledge and Elementary Mathematics.

Exam Paper :— (CDS) English
Exam Organizer :— Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Exam Date :— 05 February 2017

(See other paper of this exam – General Knowledge Paper)

CDS (English) solved exam paper (1st) 2017

Sentences improvement

Directions– (Q. 1-22) look at the bold part of each sentence, below each sentence are given three possible substitutions for the bold part. If one of them (A), (B) or (C) is better than the told part, indicate your response on the answer sheet against the corresponding letter, if none of the substitutions improves the sentence. Indicate (D) as your response on the answer sheet.

1. Go north- east across the mountains till you will reach in island.
A. reached
B. reach
C. have reached
D. no improvement

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Answer – B

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2. It is hard these days to cope with the rising prices.
A. cope by
B. cope up with
C. to be coped with
D. no improvement

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Answer – D

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3. He took a loan of hundred rupees from me.
A. debt
B. demand
C. advance
D. no improvement

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Answer – D

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4. From the last five days it has been raining torrentially.
A. since the last
B. for the last
C. since last
D. no improvement

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Answer – B

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5. The teacher, along with her three children, were taken to hospital.
A. was taken
B. had taken
C. had being taken
D. no improvement

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Answer – A

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6. The prime minister had wide-ranging discussions on the international situation.
A. widely-ranged
B. wide-ranged
C. wide-range
D. no improvement

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Answer – D

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7. The man disappeared after he was rescuing a boy from drowning.
A. was rescued
B. had been rescued
C. had rescued
D. no improvement

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Answer – C

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8. I shall be obliged if you could grant me an interview.
A. give
B. allow
C. permit
D. no improvement

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Answer – B

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9. By 8.00 in the morning he wrote four letters to his friends.
A. had written
B. had been writing
C. was writing
D. no improvement

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Answer – A

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10. But for one witness the accused ought to have been sent to jail.
A. would have
B. had
C. should have
D. no improvement

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Answer – A

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11. He is now looking about a job.
A. for
B. after
C. into
D. no improvement

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Answer – A

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12. He did not abide with my decision.
A. to
B. by
C. for
D. no improvement

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Answer – B

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13. I was living in Chennai for ten years when I was a child.
A. had lived
B. lived
C. had been living
D. no improvement

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Answer – A

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14. I didn’t feel like going out yesterday, but on account of ,my son’s illness I had to go to the doctor.
A. have
B. might have
C. ought
D. no improvement

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Answer – D

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15. Your services are dispensed for.
A. from
B. with
C. off
D. no improvement

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Answer – B

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16. I didn’t go to office because i was ill.
A. felt
B. had become
C. had felt
D. no improvement

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Answer – D

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17. The angry neighbours never passed from each other without making rude remarks.
A. passed on
B. passed against
C. passed
D. no improvement

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Answer – A

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18. The chairman with the other members of the board are touring Europe these days.
A. have been on touring
B. is touring
C. have toured
D. no improvement

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Answer – B

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19. Mahatma Gandhi is called as the father of the nation.
A. called father of the nation
B. called the father of the nation
C. father of the nation
D. no improvement

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Answer – B

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20. Poor tom laid in the shade of a tree before he could walk further.
A. lied
B. lain
C. lay
D. no improvement

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Answer – C

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21. You must accustom yourself with new ideas.
A. accustomed with
B. accustom to
C. accustom yourself to
D. no improvement

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Answer – C

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22. This telephone number is not existing.
A. does not exist
B. has not been existing
C. has had no existence
D. no improvement

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Answer – A

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Ordering of Sentences

Directions-(Q. 23-42) In this section each item consists of six sentences of a passage. The first and the sixth sentences are given in the beginning as S1 and S6. The middle four sentences in each have been jumbled up and labelled P, Q, R and S. You are required to find the proper sequence of the four sentences and mark your response accordingly on the answer sheet.

23. S1 : According to the legand it was during a famine in china many thousands of years ago that rice first came into the lives of the asians.
S6 : and the little girl gathered a harvest of rice.
P : the golden sunbeams dropped through the meshes and transformed themselves into golden grains.
Q : A little girl went fishing.
R : but instead of catching fish she netted the King of Frogs.
S : the King told her to hold out the net to the sunbeams while he sang a magic song.
The proper sequence should beー
A. P S Q R
B. R P S Q
C. Q R S P
D. P Q S R

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Answer – C

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24. S1 : Ramu was in a great hurry.
S6 : fortunately, it wasn’t a very serious one.
P : as a result of this carelessness, he met with an accident.
Q : the examination was to begin in five minutes time.
R : he just rushed across the road.
S : so he forgot to look to the left or right as he always did.
The proper sequence should beー
A. R Q S P
B. S R P Q
C. R S P Q
D. Q S R P

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Answer – A

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25. S1 : Chandran was terribly angry.
S6 : saro ran screaming.
P : his pen was in her hand and chandran rushed at her.
Q : just then his sister, saro, appeared at the door-step.
R : his pen was missing from the place where he had left it.
The proper sequence should beー
A. P R S Q
B. R S Q P
C. P S Q R
D. S Q P R

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Answer – B

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26. S1 : one fine morning, I heard a sound of fire engines with loud alarm bells.
S6 : It was a terrible scene, as huge flames of fire were coming out of the house.
P : I thought, perhaps a house was on fire.
Q : They were regulating the crowd.
R : The policemen were standing around a big house.
S : I immediately rushed out to see vhat was happening.
The proper sequence should beー
A. P Q R S
B. R S Q P
C. S R P Q
D. P S R Q

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Answer – D

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27. S1 : The sun-dried stalks of nice had caught fire and burst into flames.
S6 : even those who were too feeble to keep up with the first rush were on their feet, eager to join the fire-fighters.
P : Then came most of the older people and mothers with babies at their backes.
Q : And all the active women and girls followed them to assist them in fighting the fire.
R : All the young men and boys were soon on the spot.
S : staring wildly at the blazing rice, the people of the village ram to extinguish the fire.
The proper sequence should beー
A. P S Q R
B. Q P R S
C. S R P Q
D. S R Q P

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Answer – D

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28. S1 : People’s fear of snakes seems to be based on a series of misconceptions.
S6 : Yet people will insist that they cannot touch a snake because of its sliminess.
P : The most common one is the conviction that all these creatures are poisonous.
Q : Another very popular idea is that these reptiles are slimy to touch.
R : Snakes are really dry and cold; not slimy like a wet cake of soap but rather like a crocodile-skin handbag to the touch.
S : in fact, the non-poisonous ones outnumber the poisonous ones by about ten to one.
The proper sequence should beー
A. R Q P S
B. P R Q S
C. P S Q R
D. R Q S P

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Answer – C

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29. S1 : The first great discovery that man probably made was that of fire.
S6 : The animals were not clever enough to learn anything from this.
P : Fires sometimes occur by themselves in the forests perhaps by rubbing together of flints or something else.
Q : We light a fire now by a match.
R : In olden times fires were made by striking two flints against each other till a spark came for setting fire to a dry thing.
S : but matches are quite recent things.
The proper sequence should beー
A. P R S Q
B. Q S P R
C. P Q S R
D. R P Q S

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Answer – C

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30. S1 : A common disease of the eye is conjunctivitis or ‘pink eye’, which often occurs in school-children.
S6 : Students with this condition should be sent to the doctor.
P : This disease spreads rapidly among school-children.
Q : A white discharge also appears in the corners of the eyes.
R : One or both eyeballs turn quite red and have a feeling of irritation.
S : This discharge forms a crust which can often be seen in the morning after the eyes have been shut all night.
The proper sequence should beー
A. P S Q R
B. R S Q P
C. R Q S P
D. Q S R P

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Answer – C

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