CDS General Knowledge Exam Paper – 16 September 2012

CDS General Knowledge Exam Paper - 16 September 2012

Combined Defense Services (CDS) General Knowledge solved exam paper conducted by UPSC on 16 September 2012 available here. UPSC organizes CDS Exam twice in a year. This is a second CDS exam paper of year 2012. CDS exam will consist of three papers – English, General Knowledge and Elementary Mathematics.

Exam Paper :— (CDS) General Knowledge
Exam Organizer :— Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Exam Date :— 16 September 2012

(See other paper of this exam – English Paper)

CDS (General Knowledge) solved exam paper (2nd) 2012

Directions – the following seven items consist of two statements, statement I and statement II. you are to examine these two statements carefully and select the answers to these items using the codes given below –
Codes :
A. both the statements are individually true and statement II is the correct explanation of statement I
B. both the statements are individually true but statement II is not the correct explanation of statement I
C. statement I is true but statement II is false
D. statement I is false but statement II is true

1. Statements :
I. the planet neptune appears blue in colour.
II. the presence of methane gas in the atmosphere of neptune is responsible for its colour.

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Answer – A

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2. Statements :
I. comets revolve round the sun only in long elliptical orbits.
II. a comet develops a tail when it gets close to the sun.

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Answer – A

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3. Statements :
I. pulling a lawn roller is easier than pushing it.
II. pushing increase the apparent weight and hence the force of friction.

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Answer – A

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4. Statements :
I. all compounds contain more than one element.
II. all compounds are heterogeneous mixtures.

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Answer – C

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5. Statements :
I. tsunami is small in open ocean yet may be over 30 m high when it reaches a coastline.
II. tsunami have long wavelength and they travel across the open ocean at high speed. As they approach shore, the wavelength decrease and the wave height increases.

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Answer – A

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6. Statements :
I. operation parakram involved the mobilization of indian troops along india’s border with pakistan.
II. after the year 2001 parliament attacks, india wanted to pressure pakistan into acting against terror groups operating from areas under its control.

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Answer – A

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7. Statements :
I. india supports the development and use of the chabahar port in iran.
II. india does not subscribe to western sanction on energy trade with iran

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Answer – C

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8. The ‘partnership council’ was launched in may 2012 to implement the ‘strategic partnership agreement’ signed in the year 2011 between india and-
A. united states
B. china
C. maldives
D. afghanistan

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Answer – D

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9. The indian army undertook operation meghdoot to establish indian control over –
A. sir creek
B. aksai chin
C. siachen glacier
D. drass sector

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Answer – C

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10. The ‘treaty on integrated development of mahakali river’ was signed between india and –
A. pakistan
B. nepal
C. bhutan
D. bangladesh

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Answer – B

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11. Farkhor air base, operated by the indian air force, is situated in which one among the following countries ?
A. kazakistan
B. uzbekistan
C. afghanistan
D. tajikistan

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Answer – D

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12. INS vikramaditya, scheduled for induction into the indian navy soon, is the name given to –
A. an aircraft carrier
B. a nuclear submarine
C. an amphibious
D. a stealth ship

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Answer – A

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13. In the year 2012, india undertook its largest military exercise since independence. This was named –
A. yudh abhyas
B. rudra akrosh
C. sudarshan shakti
D. shoor veer

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Answer – D

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14. Consider the following statements about sufism –
1. The sufis were critical of the dogmatic definitions and scholastic methods of interpreting the quran and sunna (traditions of the prophet) adopted by the theologians.
2. The sufis sought an interpretation of the quran on the basis of their personal experience.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. both 1 and 2
D. neither 1 nor 2

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Answer – C

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15. Model towns were created in india in the 1950s with the object of –
A. providing urban planning skills to local governments
B. creating housing at affordable rates
C. paving the way for all inclusive growth
D. providing housing for those displaced during partition and be an example of good town planning.

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Answer – A

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16. The first indian ruler to be shown in images as wearing a dress akin to trousers is –
B. Ashoka
C. Kanishka
D. Samudragupta

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Answer – C

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17. Which one among the following is not a function of mir bakhshi, the head of the military department as well as of the nobility under mughal rule ?
A.he made recommendations for appointment to mansabs to the emperor
B. He collected reports of intelligence and information
C. He was responsible for all incomes and expenditures, and held control over khalisa, jagir and inam lands
D. he was responsible for the security of foreign travelers on the highways of the empire

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Answer – C

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18. Which among the following statements regarding the gupta dynasty is/are correct ?
1. The kumaramatyas were the most important officers and they were appointed directly by the king in the home provinces.
2. The village headmen lost importance and land transactions began to be effected without their consent.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below –
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. both 1 and 2
D. neither 1 nor 2

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Answer – A

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19. The variability among living organisms from all sources including terrestrial, marine and other ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part which includes diversity within species, between species of ecosystems refers to –
A. geographical diversity
B. zoological diversity
C. ecological diversity
D. biological diversity

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Answer – C

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20. Surgeons can perform delicate operations by using devices through computers. This technology is known as –
A. robotics
B. simulation
C. forecasting
D. computer forensics

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Answer – D

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21. On the labels of the bottles, some soft drinks are claimed to be acidity regulators. They regulate acidity using –
A. carbon dioxide
B. bicarbonate salts
C. both carbon dioxide and bicarbonate salts
D. carbon dioxide and lime

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Answer – B

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22. The gas which turns limewater milky is –
A. carbon dioxide
B. carbon monoxide
C. ammonia
D. nitrogen dioxide

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Answer – A

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23. When deep-sea fishes are brought to the surface of the sea, their bodies burst, this is because the blood in their bodies flows at very –
A. high speed
B. high pressure
C. low speed
D. low pressure

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Answer – B

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24. It is difficult to cut things with a blunt knife because –
A. the pressure exerted by knife for a given force increases with increase in bluntness
B. a sharp edge decrease the pressure exerted by knife for a given force
C. a blunt knife decreases the pressure for a given force
D. a blunt knife decreases the area of intersection

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Answer – C

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25. Arrange the following tributaries of river brahmaputra from west to east –
1. Lohit
2. Dibang
3. Subansiri
4. Tista
Select the correct answer using the codes given below –
Codes :
A. 4-3-2-1
B. 4-3-1-2
C. 3-4-2-1
D. 2-4-3-1

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Answer – A

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26. Match list-I with list-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists –
list-I (hydroelectric power station)
a. dharamsala
b. almora
c. nainital
d. darjeeling
list-II (location in map)
CDS 16 sep 2012 - gk - q 26_1

Codes :
.    a b c d
A. 1 2 3 4
B. 1 3 2 4
C. 2 1 4 3
D. 2 4 1 3

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Answer – A

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27. The expression ‘south asia’ usually includes –
A. bangladesh, bhutan, india, maldives, nepal, pakistan and sri lanka
B. nepal, bhutan, india, afghanistan, china, pakistan and sri lanka
C. bangladesh, india, china, nepal, japan, pakistan and maldives
D. bangladesh, bhutan, china, maldives, nepal, pakistan and sri lanka

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Answer – A

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28. Which one among the following statements about the functioning of political parties in a democracy is not correct ?
A. political parties give political education to the people
B. political parties serve as a link between the government and the people
C. political parties fight elections and try to get the maximum number of their candidates elected
D. none of the above

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Answer – A

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29. Delimitation of constituencies and determination of constituencies reserved for SCs and STs are done by –
A. election commission
B. delimitation commission
C. planning commission
D. election commission with the assistance of delimitation commission

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Answer – B

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30. Which one among the following statements about veto power with regard to united nations is correct ?
A. one veto can stall a security council resolution
B. it is a kind of positive vote power
C. the secretary general uses this power when not satisfied with any decision of the council
D. all the members of the security council possess the veto power

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Answer – A

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