CDS General Knowledge Exam Paper – 26 October 2014

CDS General Knowledge Exam Paper - 26 October 2014

91. Which one of the following types of pesticides is convenient to control stored grain pests ?
A. systemic pesticides
B. fumigants
C. contact poisons
D. stomach poisons

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Answer – B

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92. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists-
List-I (Animal)            List-II (Phyla)
(a) ascaris                 1. mammalia
(b) malarial parasite  2. arthropoda
(c) housefly               3. nematoda
(d) cow                      4. protozoa

Codes :
.    a b c d
A. 3 4 2 1
B. 3 2 4 1
C. 1 2 4 3
D. 1 4 2 3

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Answer – A

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93. Which one among the following pairs is not correctly matched ?
A. sandal wood plant : partial root parasite
B. cuscuta : parasite
C. nepenthes : carnivorous
D. mushrooms : autotroph

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Answer – D

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94. Which one among the following cattle breed produces highest amount of milk ?
A. brown swiss
B. holstein
C. dutch belted
D. blaarkop

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Answer – B

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95. Bagasse, a by-product of sugar manufacturing industry, is used for the production of-
A. glass
B. paper
C. rubber
D. cement

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Answer – B

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96. The main constituent of gobar gas is-
A. ethane
B. methane
C. propane
D. acetylene

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Answer – B

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97. Which of the following is a good lubricant ?
A. diamond powder
B. graphite power
C. molten carbon
D. alloy of carbon and iron

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Answer – B

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98. In tritium (T), the number of protons (P) and neutrons (N) respectively are-
A. 1P and 1 N
B. 1P and 2 N
C. 1P and 3 N
D. 2P and 1 N

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Answer – D

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99. When carbon dioxide is passed through lime water, the solution turns milky, but, on prolonged passage, the solution turns clear.
This is because-
A. the calcium carbonate formed initially is converted to soluble calcium bicarbonate on passage of more carbon dioxide
B. the reaction is reversible and lime water is regenerated
C. the calcium bicarbonate formed initially is converted to soluble calcium carbonate on passage of more carbon dioxide
D. the initially formed insoluble compound is soluble in carbonic acid

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Answer – A

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100. The form of carbon known as graphite-
A. is harder than diamond
B. contains a higher percentage of carbon that diamond
C. is a better electrical conductor than diamond
D. has equal carbon-to-carbon distances in all directions

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Answer – C

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101. Which one among the following is an example of chemical change ?
A. the melting of an ice cube
B. the boiling of gasoline
C. the frying of an egg
D. attraction of an iron nail to a magnet

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Answer – C

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102. Which of the following is not correct about baking soda ?
A. it is used in soda-acid fire extinguisher
B. it is added for faster cooking
C. it is a corrosive base
D. it neutralizes excess acid in the stomach

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Answer – C

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103. Chromium oxide in paints makes the colour of paint-
A. green
B. white
C. red
D. blue

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Answer – A

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104. Which of the following are the most important reason/reasons of flood becoming a destructive natural hazard in the ganga-brahmaputra valley ?
1. Due to population pressure more and more people are living in flood prone areas.
2. Increased frequency and magnitude of landslide and soil erosion in the upper catchments.
3. Increase in the amount and intensity of rainfall in the north-western part of india.
Select the correct answer using the code given below-
Codes :
A. 1 only
B. 1 and 2 only
C. 2 and 3 only
D. 1, 2 and 3

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Answer – B

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105. Which of the statements given below about the mughal rule in india is false ?
A. peasant communities were a united and homogeneous group
B. there was an abundance of foodgrain
C. the state encouraged those crops that brought in more revenue
D. most regions produced two crops in a year

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Answer – A

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106. The ghadar party, formed in the USA, was determined to start a revolt in india. Which among the following provinces did the party choose to begin its armed revolt ?
A. punjab
B. bengal
C. united provinces
D. bihar

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Answer – A

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107. The ruins of the vijayanagara at hampi were brought to light in 1800 by-
A. colonel colin mackenzie
B. sir john shore
C. andrew fraser
D. john marshall

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Answer – A

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108. Consider the following statements about colonial economy of vietnam (indo-china)-
1. The colonial economy in vietnam was primarily based on rice cultivation and rubber plantations.
2. All the rubber plantations in vietnam were owned and controlled by a small vietnamese elite.
3. Indentured vietnamese labour was widely used in the rubber plantations.
4. Indentured labourers worked on the basis of contracts that did not specify any rights of labourers but gave immense power to the employers.
Which of the statements given above are correct ?
Codes :
A. 1, 3 and 4
B. 1 and 4 only
C. 2 and 3
D. 1 only

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Answer – A

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109. Which of the four linguistic regions in south india remained unaffected by the non-cooperation movement (1921-22) ?
A. kerala
B. tamil nadu
C. andhra pradesh
D. karnataka

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Answer – D

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110. Which of the following statements about the penetration of english into bengal is/are correct ?
1. Job charnock arrived in sutanati in august 1690 and laid the foundation of calcutta which later become the heart of the british indian empire.
2. The french eash india company built a fort near the fort william in calcutta.
Select the correct answer using the code given below-
Codes :
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. both 1 and 2
D. neither 1 nor 2

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Answer – A

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111. Under the forceful thrust of british rule, a rapid transformation of the indian economy took place. In this context, which of the following statements is/are correct ?
1. Indian economy was transformed into a colonial economy in the 19th century whose structure was determined by britain’s fast developing industrial economy.
2. The influx of cheap indian products into england gave a great blow to english textile industries.
3. The 19th century saw the collapse of the traditional indian village economy and fresh economic alignment along commercial lines.
Select the correct answer using the code given below-
Codes :
A. 1 and 3
B. 1 only
C. 2 only
D. 1 and 2

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Answer – D

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112. Which of the following statements is/are correct ?
1. Early buddhist literature is generally composed of the canonical text.
2. The buddhist schools classify their canonical literature as only the pitakas.
Select the correct answer using the code given below-
Codes :
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. both 1 and 2
D. neither 1 nor 2

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Answer – C

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113. Manipur clinched the 20th senior national women’s football championships title 2014 by defeating-
A. assam
B. odisha
C. west bengal
D. kerala

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Answer – B

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Directions– the following 07 (seven) items consist of two statements, statements I and statements II. you are to examine these two statements carefully and select the answers to these items using the code given below-
Codes :
(A) Both the statements are individually true and statement II is the correct explanation of statements I.
(B) Both the statements are individually true but statement II is not the correct explanation of statements I.
(C) statement I is true but statement II is false
(D) statement I is false but statement II is true

114. Statements :
I. The twelfth century witnessed the emergence of a new movement in karnataka led by a brahmana named basavanna.
II. The lingayats worshipped shiva in his manifestation as a Linga.

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Answer – B

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115. Statements :
I. Ram mohan roy in his famous work gift to monotheism put forward weighty arguments against belief in many gods and for the worship of a single god.
II. Ram mohan roy in his precepts of jesus tried to separate the moral and philosophic message of the new testament.

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Answer – B

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116. Statements :
I. the bethune school, founded in calcutta in 1849 was the first fruit of the powerful movement for women’s education that arose in the 1840s and 1850s.
II. the first step in giving modern education to girls was undertaken by vidyasagar in 1800.

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Answer – C

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117. Statements :
I. the annexation of awadh by lord dalhousie in 1856 adversely affected the financial conditions of the sepoys.
II. the sepoys had to pay higher taxes on the land where their family members stayed in awadh.

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Answer – A

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118. Statements :
I. during indigestion, milk of magnesia is taken to get rid of pain in the stomach.
II. milk of magnesia is a base and it neutralizes the excess acid in the stomach.

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Answer – A

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119.Statements :
I. a tsunami is a series of water waves caused by the displacement of a large volume of water of an ocean.
II. a tsunami can be generated when thrust faults associated with convergent or destructive plate boundaries move abruptly.

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Answer – A

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120.Statements :
I. the atacama is the driest among the desires of the world.
II. the aridity of the atacama is explained by its location between two mountain chains of sufficient height to prevent moisture advection from either the pacific or the atlantic ocean.

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Answer – C

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