121) In a certain code, if RAT is coded as @#&, then what will be the code for TATA?
A) &#&#
B) #&#&
C) @#@#
D) @#&@
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122) Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.
1. Pulp
2. Paper
3. Library
4. Wood
5. Book
A) 4 2 1 3 5
B) 4 1 2 5 3
C) 3 2 1 5 4
D) 3 5 1 4 2
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123) Which of the answer figures will complete the figural series given in the problem figures?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
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124) A man facing North – East direction, turns 450 degrees in the anti-clockwise direction and then 900 degrees in the clock wise direction. Which direction is he facing now?
A) South-East
B) West
C) North-West
D) South
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125) If ‘p’ is an integer, then what is the smallest possible value of ‘p’ for which “p2 × 156 × 135″ is divisible by 14?
A) 14
B) 7
C) 6
D) 2
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126) What comes in the place of question mark in the given series?
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127) In a certain code,
[RA SA HA] is coded as [@@ ^ **],
[MA LA RA] is coded as [^^ %% ##],
[SA MA RA] is coded as [%% ^ **], and
[MA HA LA] is coded as [%% @@ ##].
What will be the code for “RA”? AA **
A) ##
B) ^^
C) &&
D) $$
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128) A school boy leaves from his home and moves 4 km in the South-West direction. He takes a right turn and walks for 3 kms and reaches his school. In which direction is his school with respect to the home?
A) East
B) West
C) North
D) South
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129) Arrange the words in the ascending order of their area.
1. District
2. Town
3. State
4. Panchayat
5. Country
A) 1 2 3 4 5
B) 4 1 3 2 5
C) 2 1 3 4 5
D) 4 2 1 3 5
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130) In the series of alphabets given below, how many alphabets are there in between the 4th alphabet from the right and 4th alphabet from the left?
A) 6
B) 8
C) 12
D) 14
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Section 7 – Reasoning Ability
131) Select one of the following four options that will make the second pair analogous to the first pair.
Watch : Television :: Read : ?
A) Music
B) Radio
C) Food
D) Newspaper
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132) A set is given, (23, 12, 48). In three of the options, the product of the elements is a multiple of the product of elements in the given set. Find the set that is different.
A) (46, 24, 48)
B) (36, 48, 69)
C) (46, 28, 27)
D) (69, 12, 16)
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133) Identify the figure that completes the visual series.
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134) If every second tuesday and all sundays are holidays in a month of 31 days beginning on monday, then how many working days are there in that month?
A) 21
B) 23
C) 24
D) 25
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135) In what way can this set be classified into two different sets: (1762, 3495, 6217, 1276, 3945, 9453)?
A) (1762, 3945, 1 276) and (3495, 6217, 9453)
B) (3495, 6217, 1276) and (1762, 3945, 9453)
C) (1762, 6217, 1276) and (3495, 3945, 9453)
D) (1762, 6217, 9453) and (3495, 3945, 1276)
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136) Select the option that is the odd one out among the given four options.
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137) Three out of the given four options are similar. Find the odd one out.
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138) Some girls are sitting in a row. Rita is 15th from the left and Rani is 9th from the right. There are 4 girls between them, and in that row Rita’s place is left to the place of Rani. If Sneha is 9th from the left end, then how far is she from the right end?
A) 20th
B) 19th
C) 21st
D) 22nd
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139) A cube of side length 6 cm is taken. It is then coloured with Purple colour on all its faces. Then, one eighth of this cube is cut down from a corner by making cuts at mid points of AB, BC and BF. How many faces of the resultant piece, after cutting down the small cube, would be coloured with purple colour?

A) 4
B) 6
C) 7
D) 8
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140) Pointing to a girl on the dance floor, Komal said, “She is the sister of the daughter of the wife of my husband.” How is the girl on the dance floor related to Komal’s father-in-law?
A) Aunt
B) Grandmother
C) Daughter
D) Granddaughter
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