Q61 Each one of the following options consists of pairs of words. Choose the best pair to match with the pair in the question, Run: Walk
(A) Heavy Rain : Drizzle
(B) Jog: Run
(C) Dive: Swim
(D) Bounce : Gallop
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Q62 Select the related letters from the given alternatives.
EH: VS: MJ : ?
(A) OQ
(B) NR
(C) QM
(D) NQ
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Q63 Find the alternative that can be a member of the given group/class.
Lock, Block, Fasten
(A) Open
(B) Window
(C) Shuttle
(D) Door ..
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Q64 Find the missing Number:
1,4, 27, 256, ____
(A) 3,125
(B) 625
(C) 720
(D) 2,500
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Q65 Find the missing numbers (X and Y) in series and find the value of Y+X: 20, 22, 24, 26, X, 32, 36, Y
(A) 62
(B) 64
(D) 68
(C) 66
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Q66 Find the pair of the numbers that would fit into the pattern: 11,12 1, 1331, 146 41, ?
(A) 161 051
(B) 161 050
(C) 160 051
(D) 160 050
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Q67 Which of the following series is built on the same logic as :
GI, K, M, O
(A) X, Z, B, D, F
(B) X, Y, B, D, E
(C) P, S, U, V, W
(D) K, L, N, Q, S
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Q68 Fill the missing value in this series:
AIC, E4H, 19M, M16R, ______
(A) 125K
(B) Q25W
(C) M36J
(D) Q36X
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Q69 Which pair in the options will complete the following series: A, F, K,___ ,U, _____
(A) Q, Y.
(B) Q, Z
(C) P, Y
(D) P, Z
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Q70 Four friends live in a locality. A’s house is to the west of B. B’s house is to the south of C and C’s house is to the east of D. In which direction is B’s house as to D?
(A) North-East
(B) South-East
(C) North-West
(D) South-West
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Q71 Y walked 6 m west, turned right and walked 8 m. What is the shortest distance he needs to travel to go back to his starting point?
(A) 6 m
(B) 8 m
(C) 14 m
(D) 10m
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Q72 is Village A is to the west of Village B which is to the south of Village C which is to the west of Village D. In what direction is Village A as to Village D?
(A) North-East
(B) South-East
(C) North-West
(D) South-West
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Q73 X walked 15 m south, turned left 15 m and turned left and walked for 15 m. How far and in which direction is he from the starting position?
(A) 15m north
(B) 15m east
(C) 15m south
(D) 15m west
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Q74 In the question one statement is given, followed by two conclusions-I and II. You
have to consider the statement to be true Seven if it seems to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions, IF any, follows from the given statements.
Statement 1 : No country is absolutely self dependent these days.
Conclusion I: It is impossible to grow and produce all that a country needs.
Conclusion II: Countrymen in general have become lazy.
(A) Only conclusion I follows
(B) Only conclusion II follows:
(C) Both I and II follow
(D) Neither I nor II follows
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Q75 In the question one statement is given, followed by two arguments, 1 and 2. You que to consider the statement to be true even if it seems to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given arguments, if any, supports the given statements.
Statement : Should new big industries be started in Delhi?
Arguments 1: No., it will add to the city’s pollution
Arguments 2: Yes, it will provide employment opportunities.
(A) Only arguments 1 is strong
(B) Only arguments 2 is strong
(C) Both arguments 1 and 2 are strong
(D) Neither arguments 1 nor 2 is-strong
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Q76 In the question two statements are given, followed by three conclusions, I, II and III. You have to consider the statement to be true even if it seems to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, supports the given statements.
Statement 1: Many business offices are located in buildings having 2 to 8 floors.
Statement 2: If a building has more than 3 floors, it has a lift.
Conclusion I: All floors maybe reached by lifts. →
Conclusion II: Only floors above the 3rd floors have lifts
Conclusion III: 7th floors have lifts.
(A) Only conclusion I follows
(B) Only conclusion II follows
(C) Only conclusion III follows
(D) All 3 follow
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Q77 Arrange the Following words as per their order in an English dictionary and choose X the ghe that comes first.
gefocus; refinery; reflexes; reflector ETA) Refocus
(A) refocus
(B) refinery
(C) reflectors
(D) reflexes
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Q78 A serjesis given, with one word missing. Choose the correct option from the given
ones that will complete the series. Terrain, Intuitive, Venture, Rearrange, ?
(A) Gender
(B) Virtual
(C) Strategy
(D) Suspense
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Q79 A series is given, with one term missing. Choose the correct option from the given 25 ones that will complete the series.
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Q80 A series is given, with one term missing. Choose the correct option from the given ones that will complete the series.
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