Q101 Select the related number from the given alternatives.
125.3 : 6 :: 14641.4 : ?
(A) 11
(B) 6
(C) 4
(D) 14
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Q102 From the given answer figures, select the one in which the question figure is hidden/ embedded.
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Q103 Which answer figure will complete the pattern in the question figure?
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Q104 Which of the following answer figure patterns can be combined to make the question figure?
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Q105 Which of the following cubes in the answer figure CANNOT be made on the basis of the unfolded cube in the question figure?
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Read the following information to answer the given (Q106 to Q108)
Following are the conditions for becoming a judge in a singing contest TV show.
A) The person should have won at least one award in singing or music.
B) The person should have worked in the music industry for at least 10 years.
C) The person should be able to speak at least 3 languages.
D) The person should be willing to donate at least 10% of his/her annual income to the contest winner.
E) The person should NOT be younger than 35 years and neither be older than 70 years. However, in case candidate who fulfils all other criteria EXCEPT
1) B above; if the person does NOT fulfil this criteria then his application will be kept on hold. 2)D above; if the person has donated 50% of his annual income any one time in his/ her life then he is exempted from this condition.
3) E above; if the person does NOT full fill this criteria but fulfils all other criteria then his application will be kept on hold.
Based on these criteria and information provided below, decide the course of action in each case. You are NOT to assume anything.
Q106 Person A is 40 years old and is willing to donate 10% of his annual income to the contest winner. He has won 3 awards in his 15 years of experience in the music industry and can speak in Hindi and English only.
(A) Made a judge
(B) NOT made a judge
(C) Application kept on hold
(D) Data inadequate
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Q107 Person B is willing to donate 5% of his annual income to the contest winner. He has worked in the music industry for 30 years since he entered it in his teenage days. He can speak in Hindi, English, Tamil and his mother tongue. He had donated 37 lakh for flood relief in 2016 when his annual income was 12 lakh.
(A) Made a judge
(B) NOT made a judge
(C) Application kept on hold
(D) Data inadequate
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Q108 Person C has won 5 awards in her 25 years of experience in the music industry. She
Had donated her entire annual income in 2017 for earthquake relief. She is fluent in English, French and Hindi.
(A) Made a judge
(B) NOT made a judge
(C) Application kept on hold
(D) Data inadequate
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Q109 Which of the following answer figure patterns can complete the series given in the question figure?
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Q110 Which of the following answer figure patterns can complete the series given in the question figure?
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Q111 What is the minimum number of lines required to make the given image?
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Q112 If a mirror is placed on the line MN, then which of the answer figures is the right mirror image of the given figure?
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Q113 A piece of paper is folded and punched as shown below in the question figures. From the given answer figures, indicate how it will appear when opened.
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Question number 114 to 150 are from Hindi Language, Visit Hindi Paper.
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