UPSESSB lecturer PGT Exam 2019 – Biology (English)

UPSESSB lecturer PGT Exam 2019 - Biology (English)

UPSESSB lecturer PGT Biology Exam paper 01-02-2019 (Answer Key) : UPSESSB UP lecturer PGT Biology (English language) Exam paper held on February 01, 2019 with answer key available here.

Subject :— Biology
Exam Organiser :— UPSESSB (Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Service Selection Board)
Exam Date :— 01 February 2019 (09:30 AM to 11:30 PM)
Total Question :— 125

UPSESSB lecturer PGT Exam 2019 – Biology

1. Placenta in mammal is formed by
(A) Allantois
(B) Amnion
(C) Chorion
(D) Both (A) and (C)

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Answer – C

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2.Inner ear of Agnatha have only
(A) One semicircular canal
(B) Two semicircular canal
(C) Three semicircular canal
(D) None of these

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Answer – B

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3. Father of Indian Plant Embryology is
(A) Prof. Birbal Sahni
(B) Prof. R. P. Roy
(C) Prof. M. O.P.Iyengar
(D) Prof. Panchanan Maheshwari

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Answer – D

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4. What is common between earthworm, leech and centipedes?

(A) They have malpighian tubules
(B) They have ventral nerve cord
(C) They are hermaphrodite
(D) They have no legs

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Answer – B

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5. Which one is not a larval stage of star fish?
(A) Planula
(B) Dipleurula
(C) Bipinnaria
(D) Brachiolaria

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Answer – A

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6. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below :
List- le (Threatened categories) List-II(Representation in Red data book)
a. Endangered (E) 1. White sheets
b. Vulnerable (V) 2. Amber sheets
c. Rare (R) 3. Green sheets
d. Out of danger (O) 4. Red sheets

a b c d
(A) 4 2 1 3
(B) 4 2 3 1
(C) 3 2 1 4
(D) 1 3 4 2

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Answer – A

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7. Apoplast-symplast concept was given by
(A) E. Munch
(B) Rabinowitch
(C) Zelitch
(D) Bose

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Answer – A

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8. Which of the following immunoglobulin molecules is largest ?
(A) IgA
(B) IgM
(C) IgD
(D) IgE

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Answer – B

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9. Androgynophore is present in
(A) Cleome gynandra
(B) Mussaenda frondosa
(C) Ravenala madagascarlensis
(D) None of the above

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Answer – A

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10. In which, adaptation to aquatic life is secondary ?
(A) Whales
(B) Seals
(C) Porpoises
(D) All of the above

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Answer – D

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11. Which one of the following foetal membranes functions as embryonic urinary bladder ?
(A) Allantois
(B) Yolk sac
(C) Amnion
(D) Chorion

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Answer – B

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12. Nucleus is absent in
(A) Sieve tubes
(B) Companian cells
(C) Phloem parenchyma
(D) None of the above

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Answer – A

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13. In invertebrates, the haemoglobin is present in
(A) Erythrocytes
(B) Leucocytes
(C) Blood plasma
(D) Thrombocytes

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Answer – C

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14. Exogenous poisons are those that
(A) enter the organism from outer environment
(B) work outside the body of the organism
(C) are produced by one organism and damage the other organism
(D) are produced inside the body fluid

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Answer – A

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15. Longest cell of plant kingdom is found in
(A) Ephedra
(B) Chara
(C) Ectocarpus
(D) Marchantia

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Answer – B

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16. Find the odd man out.
(A) LD50
(B) LC50
(C) EC50
(D) LE50

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Answer – D

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17. In which species of chlamydomonas the cells of palmella stage develop haematochrome and become non-motile thick walled hypnospores
(A) C. caudata
(B) C. eugametos
(C) C. kleinii
(D) C. nivalis

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Answer – D

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18. Capitulum inflorescence is found in
(A) Ageratum
(B) Hibiscus
(C) Cicer
(D) Plumeria

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Answer – A

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19. RL model of DNA was suggested by

(A) M. H. F. Wilkins
(B) H.G. Khorana
(C) Sasisekharan
(D) Chargaff

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Answer – C

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20. Which one is called a birth hormone ?
(A) Vasopressin
(B) Pancreozymin
(C) Oxitocin
(D) Progesteron

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Answer – C

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