21. Which one of the following is the dominant element of the earth crust?
(A) Aluminium
(B) Iron
(C) Oxygen
(D) Silicon
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22. Which one of the following is not correctly matched ?
(A) Slate -Sandstone
(B) Schist – Shale
(C) Marble – Limestone
(D) Quartzite -Sandstone
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23. Which one of the following co difficult to mine?
(A) Anthracite
(C) Lignite
(B) Bituminous
(D) Peat
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24. Which one of the following planets has the shortest day?
(A) Earth
(B) Mars
(C) Mercury
(D) Venus
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25. The concept of Normal Cycle of Erosion was given by
(A) Davis W. M.
(B) Penck W.
(C) Strahler A.
(D) Thornbury W.D.
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26. Which one of the following statements is not correct ?
(A) The maximum load of a river moves in suspension
(B) A river erodes its vertical bank more than the gentle bank
(C) More the load of a river less is the erosive capacity
(D) A river transports more load when the velocity is high
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27. The largest number of lakes in the world is found in the
(A) Canadian Shield
(B) East African Region
(C) Scandinavian Region
(D) Siberian Region
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28. Which one of the following is not associated with river action ?
(A) Meander
(B) Natural Levee
(C) Sandur
(D) Yazoo
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29. Examine the following statements and select the correct answer using the code that follows:
1. Loess is a German word, used for the fine grained soils of Rhine Valley.
2. Loess is very fertile soil in irrigated areas.
3. The largest deposits of loess are found in the Huang Ho Valley.
4. Loess is found in Mississippi Valley, Patagonia and New Zealand.
(A) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
(B) 1, 3 and 4 are correct
(C) 2, 3 and 4 are correct
(D) 1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct
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30. Which one of the following statements is not correct?
(A) Most of the earth is mantle
(B) The earth crust is made of sial
(C) The ocean floor is made of sima
(D) Sima floats over sial
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31. The term col is associated with
(A) Glaciers
(B) Rivers
(C) Underground water
(D) Sea waves
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32. Examine the following statements and select the correct answer using the code given below.
1. Running water is by far the most important agent of erosion.
2. Other agents of erosion like glacier wind and underground water are locally dominant.
Code :
(A) Only 1 is correct
(B) Only 2 is correct
(C) Both 1 and 2 are correct
(D) Neither 1 nor 2 is correct
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33. The ideal conditions for the origin of tropical cyclones are found in the
(A) Equatorial oceans
(B) Western margins of tropical oceans
(C) Eastem margins of tropical oceans
(D) Belt of doldrum
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34. Which one of the following is a landlocked country?
(A) Bulgaria
(B) Georgia
(C) Hungary
(D) Romania
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35. If solar energy at equator is 100% then at poles it will be
(A) 40%
(B) 43%
(C) 20%
(D) 42%
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36. Which one of the following is not correct about the Jet stream?
(A) It moves in the stratosphere
(B) It moves from west to east
(C) It moves in sinuous bends
(D) It moves at a speed of about 300 km per hour
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37. The maximum temperature on the Earth is recorded around the
(A) Equator
(B) Tropic of cancer
(C) Tropic of capricorn
(D) Inter-tropical convergence zone
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38. Which of the following is considered as an interruption of the planetary winds ?
(A) Horse latitudes
(B) Monsoon winds
(C) Roaring forties
(D) Screaming sixties
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39. The main source of salinity in the ocean is
(A) land
(B) marine life
(C) meteorites
(D) volcanoes
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40. Which one of the following is not correct?
(A) Bass strait lies between Australia and Tasmania
(B) Torres strait lies between Australia and New Guinea
(C) Cook strait separates the i major islands of New Zealand
(D) Great Barrier Island lies to West of New Zealand
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