Uttarakhand Forester exam paper 11 June 2023 (Answer Key) – English

21. Two resistors of resistance 2 Ω and 4 Ω when connected to a battery will have
(A) Same current flowing through them when connected in parallel
(B) Same current flowing through them when connected in series
(C) Same potential difference across them when connected in series
(D) Different potential difference across them when connected in parallel

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Answer – B

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22. The power of a crane, which lifts a mass of 50 kg to a height of 20 m in 20 second will be (Given, gm/s2)
(A) 490 W
(B) 980 W
(C) 1000 W
(D) 500 W

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Answer – A

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23. Colour of scattered light depends on the size of scattering particle of medium. On the basis of this which of the following pair is mismatched?
(A) Blue light – very fine particles
(B) Red light – fine particle
(C) Yellow light – large size particle
(D) White light – water droplet present in cloud

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Answer – C

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24. 10 J work done is equal to
(A) 1 Nm
(B) 10 Nm
(C) 103 Nm
(D) 100 Nm

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Answer – B

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25. During the formation of primary rainbow, a light ray undergoes following sequential incidents from reaching to water droplet to our eyes
(A) Refraction, internal reflection, refraction
(B) Internal reflection, refraction
(C) Refraction, internal reflection
(D) Internal reflection, refraction, internal reflection

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Answer – A

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26. When light rays enter the eye, most of the refraction occurs at the
(A) Crystalline lens
(B) Outer surface of the cornea
(C) Iris
(D) Pupil

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Answer – B

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27. Which of the following is not an application of ultrasound waves?
(A) X-ray of bones
(B) Echocardiography
(C) To detect defects in metal blocks
(D) To clean electronic components

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Answer – A

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28. A generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. It works on the principle of
(A) Electric field
(B) Magnetic field
(C) Magnetic induction
(D) Electromagnetic induction

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Answer – D

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29. In the given curve figure, half wavelength is
question number 29
(A) AB
(B) BD
(C) DE
(D) AE

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Answer – B

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30. Which part of human ear converts the pressure vibrations into electrical signals?
(A) Stirrup
(B) Anvil
(C) Eardrum
(D) Cochlea

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Answer – D

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31. If the focal length of a spherical mirror is 20 cm. The radius of curvature of spherical mirror will be
(A) 10 cm
(B) 20 cm
(C) 30 cm
(D) 40 cm

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Answer – D

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32. A copper sphere of mass 5 kg has the same diameter as an iron sphere of mass is 2 kg. Both spheres are dropped simultaneously from a tower. When they are 6 m above the ground, they have the same
(A) momenta
(B) potential energy
(C) acceleration
(D) kinetic energy

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Answer – C

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33. A short pulse of white light is incident from air to a glass slab at normal. After travelling through the slab, the first colour to emerge is
(A) Blue
(B) Green
(C) Violet
(D) Red

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Answer – D

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34. Average atomic mass of Bromine isotopes 35Br79 (49.7%) and 35Br81 (50.3%) will be
(A) 80
(B) 85
(C) 75
(D) 70

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Answer – A

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35. Avogadro number is
(A) 6.022 × 1022
(B) 6.022 × 1023
(C) 6.022 × 1024
(D) None of the above

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Answer – B

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36. Conversion of a solid directly into gas is called
(A) Condensation
(B) Fusion
(C) Sublimation
(D) Evaporation

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Answer – C

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37. The process in which carbonate ores are changed into oxides by heating strongly in controlled air
(A) Gangue
(B) Roasting
(C) Calcination
(D) Corrosion

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Answer – C

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38. What will be the mass of 3.8 litres of SO2 at S.T.P.?
(A) 5.5 gram
(B) 5 gram
(C) 10.85 gram
(D) 8.5 gram

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Answer – C

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39. Say True or False.
i. Solid (heat) ⟶ Liquid
ii. Liquid (heat) ⟶ Gas
iii. Liquid (cool) ⟶ Solid
(A) True, False, True
(B) True, False, False

(C) True, True, True
(D) False, True, True

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Answer – C

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40. Heat energy required to change 1 kg of a liquid at its boiling point into gas at atmospheric pressure is called
(A) Latent heat of vaporisation
(B) Latent heat of fusion
(C) Heat content
(D) None of the above

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Answer – A

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